Search and Rescue Coordination

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Search and Rescue Coordination

Who should attend

Personnel from ATC, airlines or other aviation-related organisations interested in the topic of search and rescue

ATCS1905 MATF Approved Course
On request (3 days) English
Search and Rescue Coordination

This three-day course provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand, plan and conduct a search and rescue mission, particularly related to an aircraft accident. All the course materials are in accordance with ICAO standards, in particular the IAMSAR Manual (ICAO Doc 9731).


MATF-approved Programme

Eligible applicants may apply for refund of 80% of fees after completing this approved course, subject to a maximum of HKD30,000, under the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (ProTERS) of Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF).  For details, please refer to the MATF session or