Aviation English for Air Traffic Controllers

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Aviation English for Air Traffic Controllers

Who should attend

Air traffic controllers (ATCO) or ATCO trainees required to enhance their language proficiency to meet ICAO licence standards at the Operational Level (L4), qualified ATCOs looking to improve their language skills for more effective communications, other aviation professionals wishing to broaden their understanding of aviation English and the general public interested in developing their skills in aviation English

On request (3 days) English
Aviation English for Air Traffic Controllers

This three-day course introduces air traffic control (ATC) personnel to English language skills and terminology associated with ATC. Upon completion of the course, participants will be capable of using standard radiotelephony phraseologies to conduct air-ground and ground-ground communications, develop aviation vocabulary that meets the Operational Level (L4) for use in the ATC workplace and be proficient in responding and interacting with spontaneous language when no standard phraseologies are provided.


Highlights of the courses:

  • Improving proficiency in speaking and listening
  • Applying standard radiotelephony phraseologies used in operational ATC
  • Acquiring an extensive aviation vocabulary that includes aviation-related terms, words, and phrases


Topics covered:

  • Introduction to Aviation English
    • Annex 1 License Requirements
    • Holistic Descriptors
    • Operational Level
  • ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale - 6 Component Skills & Levels of Proficiency
    • Vocabulary: Aviation English Lexicon
    • Structure 
    • Pronunciation
    • Listening Comprehension
    • Fluency
    • Interactions
  • Communication Procedures (Annex 10 Volume II)
    • Radiotelephony Phraseologies in ATC
  • Aviation Language in Routine / Non-Routine / Emergency Situations
    • Recordings of Controller-Pilot Communications
    • Case Studies of Incidents / Accidents
  • Aviation Language Proficiency Rating Assessment (Optional)


Reference: ICAO Doc9835, Doc4444, Doc9432 and Annexes 1 and 10 Vol II


For further information, please contact Air Traffic Management Training Centre at atm@hkiaaAcademy.com