Outsourcing Contract and Franchise Management

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Outsourcing Contract and Franchise Management

Who should attend

Personnel from airports, airlines, aviation authorities, government agencies, and related organisations who are interested in contract management

04/06/2025 – 06/06/2025 (3 days)
08/09/2025 – 10/09/2025 (3 days)
English/ Cantonese with English training materials/ Putonghua
Outsourcing Contract and Franchise Management

This three-day course provides participants with a comprehensive exploration of the basics of contract and franchise management. Participants will be equipped with essential knowledge, insights, and skills required to manage contracts and franchises to improve airport operations and service delivery.

Topics covered:

  • What is contract? Its function and formation
  • Procurement strategy and required compliance
  • Contract management and contractor relationship management
  • Technology applications





  • The minimum enrolment of each class will be 10 participants