Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) Classroom Training and Certification for Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility (RACSF)

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Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) Classroom Training and Certification for Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility (RACSF)

Who should attend

Certified X-ray screeners (who have completed the four-day classroom training organised by HKIAA-AVSECO JV) nominated by RACSF with certified ETD equipment

17/03/2025 (1 day)
16/06/2025 (1 day)
Application Deadline:
Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) Classroom Training and Certification for Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility (RACSF)

This training is a prerequisite one-day classroom learning, which provides participants with an understanding of the principles, advantages as well as health and safety issues associated with Explosive Trace Detection (ETD). It also equips participants with knowledge of the use of the ETD equipment, sampling procedures, appropriate routine check-up and maintenance, standard calibration procedures, and operational requirements and limitations of the ETD system.


Upon successful completion of this one-day classroom learning and initial certification tests, participants then have to complete an eight-hour on-the-job operational training supervised by the same Certification Body (CB) before they can operate independently.


All enrolments have to be made by RACSF. To enrol in the training, RACSF shall download, complete, and submit each applicant's application form and all supporting documentary proofs listed in the application form to AcademyEnquiry@hkiaaAcademy.com .


Important Notice 
RACSF shall ensure each applicant’s documentary proof including 
(i)    Initial X-ray Screening Training's Certificate
is furnished at the time of the application submission. Failure to submit the documentary proof at this time may result in the suspension or rejection of the application(s). 


Topics covered:

  • Basic operating principles of ETD
  • Safety issues of ETD
  • Sampling methodology
  • Routine check-up, maintenance and calibration




  • The minimum enrolment of each class will be 6 participants
  • The training equipment of this training and certification tests is focused on IONSCAN  600
  • For payment receipt, please contact us via AcademyEnquiry@hkiaaAcademy.com