ICAO Training Developers Course (TDC)

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ICAO Training Developers Course (TDC)

Who should attend

Aviation training instructors and professionals pursuing to enhance their productivity as developers of training and educational programmes

ICAO1030 MATF Approved Course
13/01/2025 – 24/01/2025 (10 days) English
Application Deadline:
ICAO Training Developers Course (TDC)

This ten-day ICAO course provides participants with advanced techniques for applying the Instructional Systems Development methodology (ISD) under the TRAINAIR PLUS programme. It is an instructional development workshop with a focus on the practical aspects of developing training and educational programmes.


Topics covered:

  • Analyse training needs and choose strategies
  • Analyse jobs and target populations
  • Determine training objectives
  • Set sequence objectives and group them into modules
  • Prepare and validate tests
  • Design modules
  • Produce and validate training material
  • Assist in the planning and monitoring of on-the-job training


MATF-approved Programme

Eligible applicants may apply for refund of 80% of fees after completing this approved course, subject to a maximum of HKD30,000, under the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (ProTERS) of Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF).  For details, please refer to the MATF session or http://www.matf.gov.hk