ICAO Training Instructors Course (TIC)

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ICAO Training Instructors Course (TIC)

Who should attend

Aviation training instructors and subject matter experts pursuing to upgrade their
instructional competencies

ICAO1020 MATF Approved Course
02/06/2025 – 06/06/2025 (5 days) English
Application Deadline:
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ICAO Training Instructors Course (TIC)

This five-day ICAO course enables participants to methodically conduct training courses in accordance with the ICAO Instructor Competency Framework and develop the required training strategies for course delivery. The course will also train instructors to deliver Standard Training Packages (STPs) based on the TRAINAIR PLUS methodology and conventional courses.


Topics covered:

  • Prepare the training environment, ensuring adequate facilities and equipment
  • Manage trainees through awareness of needs and characteristics
  • Use an effective training strategy and demonstrate a variety of instructional methods
  • Assess the trainees using formative and summative evaluation
  • Assess the training course and produce a comprehensive training report for continuous improvement
  • Self-evaluate and identify actions for improvement



MATF-approved Programme

Eligible applicants may apply for refund of 80% of fees after completing this approved course, subject to a maximum of HKD30,000, under the Professional Training and Examination Refund Scheme (ProTERS) of Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF).  For details, please refer to the MATF session or http://www.matf.gov.hk