Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

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Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

(A)  Collection and Use


  1. Personal data collected from you in the application web-pages will be used by the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy (“Academy”) ”), which is operated by Hong Kong International Aviation Academy Limited (“HKIAAL”), for the purposes which are directly relating to (i) application/registration of courses, seminars, activities or programmes of the Academy (collectively the “Programmes”); (ii) processing your application, registration or enrolment for the Programmes; (iii) administering your attending of or participation in the Programmes including but not limited to attendance recording keeping and issuing notifications to you, conducting assessment and evaluation; (iv) handling your request to use or usage of campus facilities/resources of the Academy, i.e. library facility usage and visitor pass applications; (v) learning assessment of the Programmes including but not limited to Learning Management System and Plagiarism Detection System usage and/or (vi) requesting or enquiring on rental of campus facilities. For direct marketing, please see the details of the direct marketing consent statement in Section (D). 


  2. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with an asterisk. If you do not provide such personal data, the Academy may not be able to (i) process your application, registration or enrolment for the Programmes; (ii) administer your participation in the Programmes including but not limited to attendance recording keeping and issuing notifications to you, conducting assessment and evaluation; (iii) handle your request to use or usage of campus facilities/resources of the Academy, i.e. library facility usage and visitor pass applications; (iv) provide learning and assessment of the Programmes including but not limited to the usage of Learning Management System and Plagiarism Detection System and/or (vi) handle your request of enquiry on rental of campus facilities. 


  3. Personal data collected from you in the e-newsletter subscription will be used by the Academy for purpose which is directly relating to e-newsletter subscription and delivering. The provision of such personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide such personal data, the Academy may not be able to send you e-newsletter regularly.


  4. Personal data collected from you in the enquiry web-page will be used by the Academy for the purposes which are directly relating to handling and replying your enquiries. The provision of such personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide such personal data, the Academy may not be able to handle your enquiries.


(B)   Transfer of Data


  1. Personal data collected in the application web-pages may be disclosed or transferred to third-party companies providing or involved in providing the Programmes that you have enrolled and/or our administration services contractors/agents for the purposes as stated in paragraphs 1 and 2 above within or outside Hong Kong, under conditions of confidentiality and similar levels of security safeguards. 


  2. Personal data collected in the e-newsletter subscription web-page or enquiry web-page may be disclosed or transferred to other third-party companies or service contractors/agents for purposes as stated in 3 and 4 above within or outside Hong Kong, under conditions of confidentiality and similar levels of security safeguards.


(C)   Access to Personal Data/ Enquiries


  1. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by the Academy in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).  The Academy may charge you a reasonable fee for handling your request for access to your personal data.


  2. If you wish to access/correct your personal data held by the Academy, please complete the Data Access Request Form specified by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data under section 67 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Such form can be downloaded from the website of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.


  3. Please send your data access request, data correction request or any enquiries concerning your personal data to HKIAA Personal Data Officer at


(D)   Direct Marketing


  1. Your personal data (such as title, name, contact number and email address) collected by us will be used for sending you information or materials about activities, courses or programmes of the Academy and/or partnering organisations that will/may be held. We cannot use your personal data for the above purpose unless we have received your consent.


  2. You have the right to opt-out the use of any of your personal data provided for any direct marketing by sending request to the Academy at